I've been on a H&S course today to allow me to work on building sites. I now know the maximum permitted voltage for a work lamp in a damp area, and the minimum height of the handrail on a scaffold tower. Yeah, be impressed. Monkeyboy got a load of Lego/Megabloks for Xmas, the construction of which has been sub-contracted to me (seeing as I'm now a certified expert). I've only built the Halo Pelican drop-ship so far, that's taken several days... 6 more to go. Boy's main present was a Xbox, we've got them networked together so we can play all the Halo games co-operatively; check out the geekiness going on! "Foxtrot Tango 5 zero, we've got multiple inbound Covenent drop-ships, LZ is hot, over" "Roger that Bravo Chunky 6... ARGHH! You just killed me with the gravity hammer !"