The combination of shite weather, Netflix and World of Warships has prevented me doing anything meaningful on the growing collection of broken vehicles outside. Latest casualty is the VFR, which failed it's MOT a couple of weeks back on rear wheel bearings, rear brake pads, and leaking rear exhaust downpipes. Oh, and illegal rear tyre... everything on the rear of this bike is busted, it seems. First job is the leaking exhaust. They're leaking at the joint where they go into the collector box; you can see the stains on the swingarm in the pic below: Replacing the seals means they have to come out, but they're an absolute pig to access - it must have been built by tiny children! I've had to strip the rear of the bike right down to reach the bolts and get enough clearance to pull the pipes free. The alternative was to remove the exhaust completely, the bolts for which are all heavily rusted; this way is less risky. Nearly finished this, then it's on to t...