
Showing posts from October, 2016


I had to visit BRUX-ELLES (this is how is must be pronounced) on Monday.  It wasn't without trials - airport security confiscated my network cable tool ('cos it had a tiny blade), and the Ibis hotel I stayed in was rubbish (bathroom stunk of drains, room was tiny and cold, and not only had they watered down the orange juice they'd done the same to the MILK).  Plus everything seemed much more expensive because of worthless British currency. I was planning to take some photos of the charming old buildings just before leaving, but got called back to the office because the bit of kit I'd installed had broken the phone system, so here's a shot of Heathow terminal 5 instead:

The Mopedathon

This did not go well.  Team Lard failed to get the RS50 running in time (the engine had been rebuilt but has a serious water leak, and the fuel tank is buggered), so we decided yesterday to buy another bike, which we'd then sell on again.  Cue a trip to Hereford to buy a running Tomos moped. With no time to test it, we turned up at the track completely unprepared and found it was pissing out fuel.  Changing various washers didn't help, but eventually we realised the float valve was sticking. In the process of fixing this, the fuel tap snapped off... we borrowed some fuel pipe and lashed up a new feed.  The killswitch didn't work either, so we made do with a cable-tie around the HT lead. But the problems didn't end there... turns out the Tomos has a hydraulic gearbox (rather than centrifugal clutch), and it kept dropping out of gear.  And it was so slow it was actually dangerous - I did 30 mins of marshaling and saw our bike almost get rear ended a number o...