"I have a cunning plan..."

...a plan more cunning than a fox who has just been made professor of cunning at Oxford university" (Black Adder)

It wasn't quite that cunning perhaps, but getting Mrs B's Xmas present to appear on the driveway at 6:30am today has been a major logistical operation for me this month. But this is it, the Love Truck...

Mrs B was so gobsmacked she's been in a daze most of today, and I've been so popular I wasn't even required to wash-up after lunch. This situation won't last, naturally.

The Citroen is a youngster at 3 years old and is low on the miles, but I'm sure there'll be some excuse to start taking it to pieces before long. Assuming I've not gotten hold of some overpriced Japanese rubbish in the meantime :)

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