Xmas facts:
- 12 hours+ spent assembling Lego kits (and this despite my Lego skill rating being Jedi)
- 1 day spent being ill, following a day of crisps, fizzy pop and '80s movies that I thought were-good-at-the-time-but-now-appear-to-be-smaltzy-trash (Big and Crocodile Dundee)
Xmas presents:
- Big jar of chutney
- Set of MX5 door mirrors, door hinges, and service items
I bought one of the above myself, can you guess which? There was supposed to be a new hood and a couple of other little bits coming from a wrecked car, but the guy wasn't around when I went to collect them at the agreed time. And this was in CAMBRIDGE, 175 miles from Chump HQ! I'd spent the day at Duxford air museum with mini-Chump and sibling-Chumps though, so it was no big deal. It was excellent, apart from having to pay £14 for 2 plates of cold, horrid sausage and chips in an unheated restaurant. British catering, best in the world!
Then we spent 2 hours sitting on the closed M11 on the way home. We passed the time with some old fashioned games such as eye-spy... only with lots of swearing.