
I'm on another trip to open another office, this time Toronto.  Here is an aeroplane:

 I like to take a photo of the plane, so in the event of it crashing (and assuming my SD memory card survives), investigators can look at it and say "hey, wasn't that plane supposed to have 4 engines?"

Here is an inevitable photo of a thing in Toronto.  I spent several hours in a park at it's base yesterday, as the hotel wasn't expecting me until next week and it was fully booked, so I was ALONE, LOST and HOMELESS in a foreign land.  There's a little railway museum there, so I wandered around that, drinking coke and getting sunburnt.  Lots of bike here, even spotted a VFR hiding from the sun:
Spotted this too, weighs about the same as a VFR I'd imagine.
Found another (expensive) hotel for the night, so I didn't have to sleep on a bench.

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