20 GOTO 10

Mad Chris and I visited Bletchley Park yesterday.  Obviously the Bombe machine and Colossus are fascinating, but NOTHING can top an ICL 2900 mainframe! 

 Takes me back to '88 when I first went into the CITB server room and saw near identical kit running - it was like STAR TREK, MAN!  That enormous disk at the front had all of 4Mb capacity.
All of these old mainframes actually make all those 'bloooop-bip-bip beeep' noises that big computers in movies always make, I never realised that.
 The card says 'do not touch' so I couldn't practice my RESET+CTRL+1 manoeuvre to stop the incessant shriek these things made - that was the only noise the Series 39 mainframes I worked on made.
 MT20 and MT21 - I have the SKILLZ to clean these.  Yeah.
ME29 too!  The official name of that orange colour is hot tango - they never told me that on the training courses.
Altair, Commodore PET... is that a Mac too?  I don't do Apple.  There were working BBC's too, but it took me nearly 10 mins to get "Mark is ace" scrolling across the screen.  It would have taken just 30 secs on a Spectrum, therefore Spectrum>BBC.  Just accept it, Acorn fan boyz.

Colossus replica, the first electronic computer.
and here is the computer you're using right now!  Ha ha, good luck downloading any porn with that.

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