Double the Danger

Monkeyboy has been crazing me for a new computer for months.  Admittedly his machine was shite, but when I was his age we had Combat on the Atari 2600, and we were happy.  There was no Skype, no 3D games, no internet, and no naked ladies.  Actually, it was rubbish :(

We built a new machine for him today, identical to mine.  Now we're both basking in the glory of Elite:Dangerous!

While we were there (Novatech in Portsmouth), we had a go on their Oculus Rift demo... and we have seen the future of video games!  The motion tracking is spot-on, but the resolution is a bit too low (making text very blurry), and you're aware some part of your brain is working extremely hard to process what you're seeing.  We spent about 90 seconds each on the waterchute demo, and afterwards felt like we'd actually been on some kind of roller coaster.  I felt nauseous, and had to have 2 cups of tea and 7 choc digestives to calm my angry tummy.

So right now it needs some work but this is the developer version, the consumer model will run much higher resolution which will hopefully ease the brain overload.

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