Intellectual Lightweight

Russ and I went to see Indiana Jones yesterday. I liked it a lot, but Russ said it "didn't make much sense" and was "a bit silly". What does that say about me? And what does it say about the future prospects of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas if 6-year-olds (who watch a lot of Scooby Doo) think their films are daft?

On the motors front, the Mazda continues to run well though it's horrible thirst is starting to hurt. The Benz has gone to Keylink to have the aircon repaired. Billy Berlingo suffered a broken gear linkage when I just happened to be driving it, which required a 12 mile ride home stuck in 5th gear. A new link rod at £25 fixed that though, and this one looks stronger so perhaps it was just another Frog design fault.

I'm thinking about getting a Smart again... imagine 55mpg! Once the holiday season is over (and the need for aircon gone) I might chuck in the Benz for one. It has to be worth a least 2 bottle tops and a button.

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