I have bought big SPACESHIP

I remain extremely enthusiastic about Elite:Dangerous, and I don't think my opinion is influenced by nostalgia; it is actually FLYING A BLOODY SPACESHIP!

Lave station, last time I visited it in around 1986:
Lave station, yesterday:
I started out with a Sidewinder, made some cash doing some light bounty hunting (which involved running away a lot), bought a Viper, more bounty hunting (less running away this time), and now I've got a classic Cobra Mk3:
Ignore those weedy guns, this is as it arrived.  It's got big beams and a cannon now.  Note total lack of discarded crisp packets and empty Coke cans in the interior.
Where are the relaxapads though?
Finally, a shot from inside the space station; very slick:

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