Millions of Dollars... wasted

I'm back from another week in Poland.  Hire car this time was a Focus, and it was AWFUL.  How did Ford spend so much money developing such an underwhelming car?  Ride: dreadful.  Performance: pathetic (1.6 pez).  Interior: cheap.  Handling: soft.
After a few days of misery an engine mount broke, so it was replaced with a Nissan Qashqai.  I loved that! Everything that was wrong on the Ford was right in the Nissan, it felt like it was developed by people who cared.  It still had a weedy 1.6 petrol motor, but I was able to overlook that.  Any car with Klingon-style ridges on the bonnet can do no wrong in my eyes.
I had another guy working with me for a few days, so we visited all the restaurants in the town square.  I was initially adventurous and tried some local dishes, but after a few incidents (including my first and extremely unwelcome introduction to sauerkraut, below), I retreated to my usual charred meats.

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